Friday, March 11, 2011

More for Maddox's room

I can always find more things that are cool....that I want...that I should make instead of buying because it will be cheaper, even though I end up gluing my thumbs together, cursing wildly, and wasting 6 hours of my life.  Ahem.  Anyhow-  here are some things that I think should be in Mdx's room!  The theme will be similar to "It's a Small World" just without the Disney products all over the know globes, maps, people from different countries.  I already have some great fabric to use for curtains, now I'm looking for decorations and other little details.

Penmanship Pillow- obviously it won't say "Choose Your Words".

It's a Small World LP- I'd love to frame this and have it on the wall

Any other ideas or suggestions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the penmanship pillow! How cute! and the hanging "off to see the world". Actually, I love it all :).