Monday, February 9, 2009

I *heart* baby art

One of the things I love about Maddox's Child Development Center is all of the art that they do with her!  They are working on learning their colors, and they get to paint and use's awesome!  I've taken pictures of the art, since we can't actually keep it all!

Art from around Christmas time...
BLUE week!
Winter art.
I LOVE this one! They made a MDX snowglobe!
Then they went on to GREEN.
Can't you tell- there's glitter glued on the paper!?  I can't really see it either.
She didn't seem to want to put many stickers on the paper.
They made a penguin with hands as feet....I'm a little confused too, it's ok.
Coming up they have a lot of love and Valentine's Day activities planned.  They are even having an ice cream party on Friday!  A few of Mdx's friends moved up to the next class- she'll be joining them in a few months.  In the meantime some new friends are moving up from the infant room!  I'm looking forward to getting to know these new kids too.  

1 comment:

adrienne_sakura said...

too cute. be sure to keep some of that so you can torture her with it when she is a teenager. ;)