Thursday, January 17, 2008


So I know I need to update.  But Sun-Wed my DH works 12 hours shifts, and I rarely get a long enough span of time when I have to take care of the baby!  After he gets home it's dinner, laundry, family time, bedtime.  Then on his days off I hate to sit on the computer when we could be out and about doing something together- and it's hard to think about what to write about!!  So, I apologize to the 3 people who probably read this thing, I'll try and do better.
Here is Mdx with her new taggie blanket:

Mdx is getting so big and strong! She rolls over (only after protesting loudly when I put her on her stomach). She also can sit when supported with a pillow or blanket or something.  When she gets mad now she arches her back and flails her arms and is very vocal!  It's cute because it never lasts for long, but she's probably wondering why it makes me smile.  However, she's also become very needy recently.  She's decided she hates her buzzy chair (which was my saving grace while Marshall was in Korea).  When I even bend down and act like I'm going to put her in it- it's an immediate back-arching fit.  I think it is because it reclines so much and she wants to be sitting up.  She has a swing but really only stays content in it when she's asleep. 
Here she is in her Exersaucer:
So- I got an exersaucer for her from someone online for $15!  Some of the things on it are still too hard for her to do, but she really enjoys standing up in it.  I also got a jumperoo from someone online (yes our living room is officially filled with BABY STUFF now) and she just jump-jump-jumps like a little bunny.  As long as she can see me she's fine....which brings me to the next problem.  When she CAN'T see me she gradually melts down into a sigh, then whimpering, then soft crying, then wailing.  Well- what the heck!!!?  I can't be in her sight every minute of every day!  How am I supposed to get anything done around the house?  Sheesh.  I have a Moby wrap, but now that she can grab things with her little hands I can't really hold her in front of me in it.  The other day I was eating a banana and she took it right out of my hand.  And I haven't figured out how to hold her on my back yet.  It can't be THAT hard, right? 
Here is Maddox in here Jumperoo:

I hate to make her sound like a baby who is hard to take care of.  Because she's really not.  For the most part she's a happy, playful, hungry, smiling baby and I should be thankful for that!
My cutie pie baby:

I decided recently that I really need to get out of this house and have some adult interaction.  I also have just gotten a little too comfortable with NOT having to shower, or put on nice clothes, etc.  So I went online and started searching for play-groups in the area.  Now I know infants don't "play" but their mamas need some playtime!  I found a great online forum for this area and already met someone on it- who happens to live down the street from me!  Crazy!  Her husband does the same job mine does, just on a different shift.  We've gone walking a few times.  There's also a "Mall Stroll" every week in the morning before it opens.  I went a few days ago and there were about 10 of us pushing strollers around the mall.  It's a one mile loop and we did it twice.  Then the kids played in the play area.  I plan on doing that weekly.  Hopefully I'll meet some more people as time passes.

I guess I need a good reason to put on jeans instead of leaving on my comfy flannel pajama pants.  :)  

I still haven't made any sort of decision or action about going back to work.  Once I found out that there aren't really any orchestras around here- and I'd just have to teach general music- I just decided I can stay home and be happier.  I mean, if I'm going to leave my baby with someone else all day long 3 days a week- it better be for a job I love.  I really don't want to be a "music teacher" I want to be an "Orchestra teacher".  I hate to be so picky, but there is a HUGE difference!  I don't know what to do, so I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing.


JaclynJohnson said...

As one of the three people who read your blog :-) thanks for updating! I am glad to hear that Maddox is doing so well...even if she does love her mama bunches!

Emily Cole said...

Ha ha! Welcome to Mommyhood! I think it's great you're getting out and finding people to hang out with! That's so cool! It's neat that Mdx likes to jump around - I bet it's cute! I Love you! I'm glad you updated the blog! Em

Angela said...

I must be the third and I must say she is SO DARN CUTE! You can tell she's related to that Anderson fellow in the picture of her in the "home grown" shirt.