Friday, July 1, 2011

Givewaway week- FRIDAY!

Today is the LAST DAY of Giveaway week, and this has been so much fun!  Entries to all posts from this week close at Midnight Eastern time, so go back and comment if you haven't already!  Thank you to everyone who has participated, and has taken the time to enter.  Some people even posted about it on their blog and facebook- so thank you to you too!  This is my first time trying to do anything like this, and it can get complicated, so thank you ALL for being understanding.  :)

The comments will be numbered and then I'll be using this random number generator to pick the winners.  I'll post the winners here (and also on facebook probably) on Saturday, so stay tuned!  I was going to have people guess how much Mav weighs for this last post (because this boy is a chunk, and that would be funny)- but that just adds another layer of complication.  So- random it is!

Here is the final prize for one lucky winner!

A custom made banner!  We have one for both of the children, and they are really very nice!  This booth is operated by a very elderly man, who paints (painstakingly slowly and carefully) with beautiful rainbow colors on white silk.  Each letter is formed from something from nature, like a bird, bamboo, a tree, a sunset- each thing he paints is unique!  If you win, you get to choose what word or name you want on your banner.  You can hang it up, frame it, or give it away.  And in case you were wondering, yes, his booth is made out of mostly cardboard, plastic, and packing tape.  Genius!!

Here is a picture from Maddox's old room, and you can see her banner hanging on the right.

Oops- forgot to say- the Rules posted previously during the week still apply.  I'm not cutting and pasting it again!

Now, live long and prosper!  Or, go forth and multiply! about this- PAY IT FORWARD!


Sarabeth Hudson said...

Cute! What a fun week :)

Anonymous said...

It was great talking to you last night- oh- I thought you wanted Mav's weight prediction- he's IS a chunker!! Anyway, thanks for the fun week with your blogs- we can get so easily hooked on reading your words of wisdom-(or whatever!)
Love you!!

Ryan, Corrie, Max, and Jack said...

Well, I think Mav weighs 20-22 lbs. Elisha weighs 12.4kg, and I think Mav is lighter. So there.

P.S. I suppose I've just handed you several chocolates, huh? I like that description, btw...

Sarah Mann Willcox said...

I am SO doing a giveaway! This is fun! Love and snuggles from NC!

E said...

Love love love his booth!

Rachel said...

Mary- I have enjoyed the sneak peek into your life in Korea! Also- thanks so much for "liking" my agency! We are trying to get into this decade and have a FB and Twitter presence to spread the word about childhood mental health and dental issues! Hope all is well with you!! :) Rachel

Aunt Kathy said...

This was such a great idea, Mary! You are so creative! Love you bunches, can't wait to see you all when you get home (and you can bring my prize then too! LOL) We're really gonna miss you guys at the reunion next week - maybe we can skype and you guys can say hi to everyone! Let's try to set a time for that, k?

Carla said...

What a fun week--- not just seeing what you've found to give away, but once again to see some of the things I got to see when I was there with you. I may have to place some orders with you-- assuming of course that I don't win ALL the giveaways--HAHA-- I thought I was doing a lot shopping while in Korea, but obiously missed a lot of opportunities to purchase special gifts for others.

Mollie B said...

Even if I don't win a thing it has been fun reading and seeing the different things you are giving away. I like that they all have a little bit of the local culture. Fun fun fun. I can't wait to see what creative things you can have for a give away in Germany!!!! Love you, Mollie

Anonymous said...

I love all your blogs, I always have...It allows me keep up with you guys...I should win, just because I commented on your blog.
At least I hope this goes thru.I will not guess on Mav's weight, because all McIntyres look heavy, and we know he is not.
Your loving Father-in Law..

*Ariail* said...

Mary!! So fun this week to see a few different Koren things!! I will def do this when i really get a base of people reading my blog!! I might not be able to wait until 20,000 hits, but we'll see!! Love reading about the different things you all do in Korea!! Can't wait to read about Germany!!

LB said...

What a fun little "kiosk." It's definitely the definition of "shopping local." =)

Jessie said...

Awesome giveaway! I love personalized stuff since I will never find anything that says Brinley on it!
I've always enjoyed reading your blog and this has inspired me to finally put my craft blog together so I can do a giveaway one day!

JaclynJohnson said...

I think he weighs 21 pounds 4 ounces. :-) Thanks for all the fun this week!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm not sure if we just need to leave a comment to enter or guess Mav's weight and having no clue about baby weight's I'll amuse ya'll with my guess anyway. I think he weights 28 pounds.

Angela said...

Very good! However, I'll tell you that Meredith is big enough that 12-18 month clothes are getting too tight! Yeah for chunky MG's!

joanna mccandless said...

I love the banner and would be super cute in a kids room. We've actually got a grand-neice on the way so I could have her name put on it (if they picked a name yet, that is) --- or would that be bad luck? Anyway, I'm enjoying reading your blogs and will continue reading even after you end this fun giveaway. You are just so creative.