Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Aside from being one of my favorite Lionel Richie songs ever.....


Hello?  *tap tap tap* Is this thing on?  Starting to feel like no one reads this blasted thing.  Of course, I'm only partly doing it for you (whoever you are) and I'm partly doing it for me.  I'm not a scrap-booker.  I'm not a journal-er, and I'm barely a blogger.  But, a blogger I am, and I guess that's better than nothing. It's nice to look back at the blog and see pictures and stories, so I guess even if no one is reading, that is why I'm doing it.

The strangest thing happened today.  I was trying to make a new header- which took forever because I forgot how to do it with Picasa.  Then after finally doing it, I tried to upload it, but it was either WAY too big, or way too small.  When I'd click the "Shrink to fit" option it would make it too small and all the way to the left.  So I had to go back to my old headers and find out what size it needed to be- then when I tried to upload the header as the correct size- GUESS WHAT??

I have reached my 1G free upload limit on Picasa Web Albums......which (I had no idea) is where your pictures are stored when you upload them to your blog.  I guess it's not that bad that it took me a few years to reach 1G of uploaded stuff.  Some of it is wasted memory because I had to upload the stupid header multiple times at different sizes before finding the right one because there is no "preview" choice for headers.

Which means........I have to pay for more storage.  Or I can't upload any more photos or videos.   WHAT?!  That's right.....I can have 20G more storage for $5.00.  So, I did it.  I paid $5.00 and uploaded my new (correctly sized) header.  You know what though- now that I stop and think about it, I think it said $5.00/year.  WHOA, I better go back and check.  I mean, it's not a lot, but that will add up over time, and what if I shut down the blog and stop paying?  Will the entire thing just disappear!?  ACK!

You're welcome.  Or, I'm welcome.  Sigh.


JaclynJohnson said...

I'm here. Slack with the blogging and commenting over the holidays but back in full force now. :-)

Gayle Zales said...

I check out your blog everyday. I'm definitely not a blogger, facebook follower, etc. but I follow yours (and Emily's!) everyday just to keep up with you and your families. You are such a good writer-as is Em! So please don't fold!!I'd be lost.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading! Just really bad at commenting, since most of my reading is done on my phone.
Always enjoy the pictures and stories!

Jessie said...

I follow along on here too, but I know how you feel. I am pretty sure I have like two readers myself :) But I love looking back at the years of blogging and seeing how much has changed in my life :) Keep writing!

Sarabeth Hudson said...

I'm out here, too! Always stalking the blog :) I love your adventures!

suzanne said...

Hi Mary!
Danielle's mom here! I love reading all about your family and their adventures. Maddox's videos are adorable:) Can hardly believe she is the same little thing that handed out stickers at D and Paul's rehearsal dinner! Mav is so cute. Lindsay (D's sister) was in Munich for Christmas. She told us all about the same festivals y'all visited. Keep writing and I'll comment:) Suzanne

Stella said...

I read! Even though I have let my own blog slide.

Emily Cole said...

Look at all of these comments! You know you've got a following! I can't believe you've reached your photo space limit. I haven't done that yet - and I've blogged quite a bit longer than you. Interesting! I love your blog, Mary - I can't wait to see each post! I wish I was able to post more often. I've gotten slack lately - need to do more crafting and blogging...

LOP said...

For some reason, my comment won't show up(this is my third attempt)...MG, you have sooo many readers and just not sooo many folks who stop to comment- I know it is frustrating, tho- LOVE YOU!!

adrienne_sakura said...

i love your blog and stories and pictures.
you must have a lot of hits on your blog! even if people don't comment.
i like when i see a few hits everyday that means there are at least a few people that just check on mine everyday. its probably just my mom. but it makes me feel better. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mary! I'm also a blog stalker of yours!! I love hearing all about your time living overseas!!

Carla said...

I'm here!! and fil too even if he can't figure out how to leave a comment!!!