Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Way Back When-esday- March 2010

Just a reminder- I'm using Way Back When-esdays to catch up for everything we did last year when I wasn't blogging!  :)  It's not exactly one year ago, but pretty close.

Marshall won Outstanding Active Duty Intelligence Airman of the Year (this was when he was still a SrA) at the Squadron and the Group level, further solidifying his belief that he is "kind of a big deal".....yes he has said that!

We found out Marshall would be leaving for a few months TDY, so we went to a private ultrasound clinic to see if we could find out if Minimac was a girl or a boy, since he would miss the 20 week scan.  They said BOY, and they were right!  Maddox lost interest in the ultrasound after a few minutes and Marshall spent the rest of the time chasing her around the room.  Here they are in the lobby:

We walked around the neighborhood to test out the new stroller.

And soaked up attention as much as possible before Daddy left.

1 comment:

A Day in the Life said...

Thank you for the tribute Mary! Don't forget that I also won Wing Airman of the Year, but none of the wing winners got any trophies or anything... JERKS!